发布日期:2025-01-03 19:08 点击次数:123
[Charania] Rockets’ Russell Westbrook wants out of Houston, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium.据名记Shams报道,消息人士透露,威少想离开火箭。————————[–][PHI] Joel Embiid NewAccountNow 2230 指標 7小時前Trade him back to OKC you fucking cowards.76人球迷:你们这帮怂货,赶紧把他送回雷霆吧!!![–]Heat Ashton227 1037 指標 7小時前Westbrook, 2 first round picks, and 2 pick swaps for CP3.热火球迷:威少,加两个首轮和两个选秀签互换,这就能换保罗了 (¬◡¬)[–]76ers ecab31 477 指標 7小時前Hey, I’ve seen this one; It’s a classic!76人球迷:这集我看过,很经典![–]wgfegweg 36 指標 7小時前Knicks legend Russell Westbrook尼克斯名宿威斯布鲁克[–]Knicks Joetheshow1[ ] 1981 指標 7小時前Don't do it Dolan尼克斯球迷:多兰要克制啊![–]Raptors kyle_993 454 指標 7小時前do it Dolan猛龙球迷:多兰赶紧行动![–]Trail Blazers Kazekid 54 指標 7小時前He's already on the phone开拓者球迷:已经通上电话了[–]Warriors PozoleRojo 62 指標 7小時前The trade's already done (not officially yet, of course), and now he's calling the Cavs to offer them three first-rounders for Kevin Love.勇士球迷:威少去尼克斯其实已成定局(还没官宣,但稳了),现在多兰正联系骑士呢,他想给他们三个首轮签换乐福。[–]Raptors Paschal1 3031 指標 7小時前2Westbrook would put up 40/15/15 on identical shooting splits猛龙球迷:威少依然能狂砍40分15板15助,而且三项命中率一模一样![–]Heat 10woodenchairs 19 指標 6小時前I don’t get it热火球迷:啥意思[–]Thunder wichitagnome 80 指標 6小時前He's saying if Russ goes to NY, his stat line would be40 points, 15 assists, and 15 rebounds a game. Which would look incredible, until you look at his 'identical shooting splits', which would mean his field goal shooting percentage is 40%, 3pt percentage is 15%, and free throw percentage is 15%.Russ sucks at shooting, but would put up monster stats that look good.雷霆球迷:他说要是威少去尼克斯的话,他的数据就是场均40分15助15板,乍一看还挺强的,除非你看到他说的“三项命中率一模一样”,等于说是投篮命中率40%、三分命中率15%、罚球命中率15%。威少虽说投篮很菜鸡,但还是能拿到好看的猛男数据。[–]HammyFresh 60 指標 7小時前Imagine Westbrook with the New York media LOL.想象一下威少和纽约媒体过招的画面,哈哈哈哈哈[–]flashstache 361 指標 7小時前Westbrook helping destroy the Rockets should get him a 2nd statue here in OKC.威少为摧毁火箭出了力,雷霆应该再给他竖一座雕像。————————[–]Bucks kyleb402 2493 指標 7小時前I can't imagine Harden is far behind unless he and Westbrook just started hating each other all the sudden.雄鹿球迷:哈登居然没跟上,不可思议啊,除非他俩突然间反目成仇了。[–]Supersonics Zeech360 231 指標 7小時前Nah, they don't like Tilman and the roster clearly isn't going anywhere.超音速球迷:不至于,他俩不喜欢费尔蒂塔,而且现在这阵容明显成不了气候。[–][OKC] Perry Jones WestbrooksScowl 756 指標 7小時前Def ownership. Russ and Harden love each other. Tillman’s cheap ass combined with his views makes him... not ideal in their eyes.雷霆球迷:肯定是因为老板。威少和哈登关系蛮好的。他俩就是看不惯费尔蒂塔抠抠索索又鼠目寸光的小家子气……[–][PHI] Markelle Fultz DutchEnglish 112 指標 7小時前Nah they both know it’s pretty much done. Especially after MDA & Morey stepped down.Westbrook is probably doing this first because he knows his contract is going to be the hardest to move so because of that the amount of suitors will be small. I think we can all agree that Harden will be way easier to trade and that everyone is probably going to line up with their own package to get him.76人球迷:他俩都知道火箭要完蛋了,尤其是在德安东尼和XX下台之后。威少或许会先走一步,因为他知道自己离开的最大阻碍在于合同,基于此,适合他的下家也很少。如此一来,哈登被挖走的可能性就大多了,或许很多球队将会拿着大礼包排队追求他。[–]Registered to VoteHarden Traded 98 指標 6小時前Wonder if both Russ and Harden get traded lolI can't imagine Harden wanting to stay honestly, especially if things fall apart even more than they have.要是威少和哈登都走了,那就有意思咯,哈哈哈老实说,哈登想留队我是没想到的,毕竟[–][LAL] Brandon Ingram xElectricW 41 指標 6小時前Shams said he's committed to Houston but that could very well change as the season progresses honestly, as it stands they're probably a 6 seed or lower with pretty much every West team getting better except for them湖人球迷:Shams说了,哈登仍然心属火箭,不过随着赛季的深入,变数还是挺大的,毕竟他们下赛季很可能排在第六甚至更低,因为西部其他每个球队都补强了。————————[–]Lakers G1Spectrum 6614 指標 7小時前Holy shit it's falling apart in Houston湖人球迷:我勒个擦,休斯顿这是要崩啊[–]MEMES4DREAMS77 296 指標 7小時前bruh I can’t believe it’s already happening, it’s been like half a day lmao我不敢相信居然来得这么快,仿佛就这半天的事儿,哈哈哈哈[–]Hawks ImgonnawaverwireAB 134 指標 7小時前What a complete disaster for Houston老鹰球迷:火箭这真是彻头彻尾的惨剧。[–]Raptors Bee_lrl 321 指標 7小時前Tillman really fucked up a contender in 2 years猛龙球迷:费尔蒂塔还真是在两年内搞垮了一支争冠球队。[–][OKC] Mustafa Shakur IncaseAce 132 指標 7小時前Shoulda never forced the CP3 trade雷霆球迷:当初就不该强行促成保罗那笔交易。[–][BOS] Jayson Tatum sepotz 3613 指標 7小時前All those picks they gave OKC looking pretty nice right now凯尔特人球迷:他们之前给雷霆的那些选秀签现在看来都很不错哦[–][CHI] Jimmer Fredette Liquidgoldvelveeta 2231 指標 7小時前Literally how does Sam Presti do it公牛球迷:普雷斯蒂这到底是怎么做到的……[–]Thunder Jacer4 142 指標 7小時前I cannot tell you how fucking happy I am he is the Thunders GM lmao雷霆球迷:有他做我雷的总经理,我没法告诉你我特么现在多高兴,哈哈哈哈[–]Warriors PozoleRojo 1744 指標 7小時前He's patient. He waits for someone to do something dumb, then he strikes.勇士球迷:普雷斯蒂沉得住气啊。他就等着别人犯蠢,然后再出手。[–][BOS] Rasheed Wallace todellagi 1286 指標 7小時前The number of idiots in GM roles has drastically decreased compared to what it was 3-4 years agoBut God damn the meddling owners will never go out fashion凯尔特人球迷:比起三四年前,联盟里蠢货总经理的数量已经减少很多了。不过那些喜欢瞎搅和的老板向来不少。[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant whowasonCRACK 83 指標 7小時前he really made one of the worst trades of all time when he gave up harden and learned from his mistake. now he goes around preying on people that make similar mistakes.湖人球迷:普雷斯蒂当初放弃哈登,确实是史上最菜操作之一,他也吸取教训了。现在他就是等着别人犯这种类似错误之后捞一把。[–]Warriors HappyCrabDay 17 指標 5小時前Maybe people don't know this, but before the Harden trade, Presti and the Thunder were seen as the up-and-coming front office, like Spurs-lite, especially since a lot of their people did actually come from the Spurs. For starters, they had a great draft track record and picked KD, Russ, Harden, and Serge Ibaka, who were all on the same team at one point. Harden trade was shit tho.勇士球迷:或许有些人还不清楚吧,不过在交易哈登之前,普雷斯蒂和雷霆那帮人被视作是堪比马刺的新兴管理层,何况他们很多人还真是出自马刺。就他们当时的首发而言,他们当年的一系列选秀操作相当成功,有了杜兰特、威少、哈登和伊巴卡,这些人一度是一个队的。不过哈登那笔交易真的烂。[–][LAL] LeBron James Konfluency 192 指標 7小時前Losing Harden was the cause of the ownership not wanting to pay, and losing Westbrook was clearly a move to reset the franchise.We all know why KD left, so honestly with context there’s no black marks on Presti’s resume that are that big.湖人球迷:失去哈登那是因为老板不想大出血,失去威少明显是重建球队的操作。至于说为啥阿杜会走,咱们都知道,所以说实话,普雷斯蒂这份光鲜履历背后还真没啥污点。————————来源:Reddit编译:云长刮个痧